Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Performance = Motivation x Ability x Opportunity by Pete Lorins, PhD CD, JD

Performance = Motivation x Ability x Opportunity

Isn't time for you or your company to perform up to its fullest potential?

Many of us have wondered why we have seemingly done all the right things, yet haven't quite achieved our desired outcomes. Well, the above equation is all you need to remember the next time you're puzzled by your lack of business or personal achievement. But if you doubt me, please keep reading this article and I will clarify the equation for you accordingly.

For instance, you may remember having classmates or coworkers who were very intelligent/able (hence had the ability to do whatever they wanted to do), yet they lacked the motivation. Thus, despite having the opportunity and ability to perform to their fullest potential, they still fail to do so. Likewise, you have met those who have the motivation, yet might not have had the ability or opportunity hence failed to perform.

Either way, one needs to have all three of the above components of Performance  in order to perform to one's maximum potential. There is a field called Human Performance Technology (HPT), which categorizes corporations as well as academic and governmental institutions by several means, and use the characteristics of any particular organization's category to determine the nature of its HPT development, practices, and emphases within that organization.

At Brainstorm Capital Group, we use the power of HPT, which is born out of many fields, as influenced by the environment in which it is applied. But generally the following phases come into play:

1) Launch Phase
2) Assessment Phase
3) Design Phase
4) Implementation Phase
5) Monitoring/Adjusting Phase

The last phase of any intervention is the phase of monitoring and adjusting. It is an ongoing process in which constituents assess the results of the intervention, as well as the new behaviors and new knowledge that have accompanied it. Here, gains and losses are summarized, and the causes of any losses are determined; people take action, communicate about their progress, and hopefully, celebrate their success.

This phase is often neglected; people are afraid of not having met their goals, or they lack the time needed to monitor results. But monitoring and adjusting are crucial, not only to business results, but also to the likelihood of the organization's willingness to undertake future projects (assessing its own capability maturity level.) This phase also adds to the power of the Human Performance (HP) consultants who have been involved.

Our Brainstorm Capital Group HP Consultants are prepared to help your business excel at any projects in which it tackles or any hurdles, which your business faces. We'll be holding our next FREE Telinars or Teleconferences in the near future. It is our desire to continue to motivate as many passionate entrepreneurs into successful ventures as humanly possible, and we're doing the latter, one venture at a time. Feel free to contact us whenever you're puzzled by any business hurdles. We'll always be prepared to provide you with the right solutions at the right time.

By Pete Lorins, PhD CD, JD -- pete@snirol.com (email)  -- (407) 272-0873 (phone)

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